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By September 1, 2019No Comments

Just a quick note that THE FURIES drops today on Amazon. I don’t think that there is the same degree of last minute fuckery as last time (look ma, I’m getting better!), which means that the e-book and the softcover are available as of right now anywhere that Amazon reigns over with its dark, demonic fist of anger. I think Elvis Costello would’ve liked that.

I’m fucking tired, man. Have to keep pushing for the next couple weeks because apparently a launch doesn’t stop with releasing a title and leaving it there. Apparently you have to keep on it: Bullshit.

I joke, I joke; I kid, I kid. It’s a labour of love and I want to thank everyone who follows and reads this to know that I is talking to them. Thank you.

Now that you’re all buttered up, it’s favour time…

It’s simple, if you have read the book or plan on reading it, do it. Make sure to leave a review on Amazon. I know you’ll love it but they need reviews to push it out with ad space to people who don’t even know that they’ll love it yet. Also, if you have read COWARD, throw a review on the board, too. It helps attract a new audience and maybe grow the site and the brand so I can focus on bringing content to y’all quicker.

Thanks to everyone for the support and sorry for cussin’, even with such small space,

Love, Papa